Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Updating LD

This is related to the Learning Design that I explored in week 4's reflection.
I and my team had come up with an LD for the learning objective of "creating website".

We got several feedbacks for our LD, particularly about the direction of arrows that connecting task and resources. From the feedbacks, we understand that there are cases when the resources affect the tasks (whereby arrow pointing from triangle to rectangle), not just the tasks that affect the resources (whereby arrow pointing from rectangle to triangle).

For example: notice the arrow that connects the triangle of "book" and the rectangle of "read relevant chapters". The arrow pointed out from the rectangle to the triangle. This direction shows that the tasks affect the resources, while actually the correct notion will be the resources is the one that affecting the task, thus the arrow should be pointing out from the triangle to the rectangle.

We revised our LD during the tutorial, and finally came up with this new and more neat LD =).

Oh, and I also got to know the difference between resources and supports (been confused on how to differentiate these two).

For example: we've been quite confused on how to place "software" in our LD. Is it a support? Is it a resource? Software is used as a tool to help the learner to create the website, so doesn't that mean that "software" is a support? But according to the reading, "software" is categorized as resource. Humm...?

Ms Jodie told me that resources are whatever tools and, well, resources, from which the learners get the knowledge/skill which later will be applied in performing the task. In the other hand, supports are the forms of feedback, reviews, or advises the learners get from the teachers/instructors or peers that will help them to improve their performance.

So, according to her explanation, "software" should be counted as "resource", not "support".

Lol, I don't think I explained the difference well, but yeah, I just sort of know how to differentiate them now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rara!

    The differentiation between the resource and support is easy to understand! :) I was a bit confused with that too, so it helped me clarify the two. Good thing that I read your blog! ;D

